Priority: 5. Diffusion of innovation.
Measure 5.1. Supporting the development of cooperation links of supra-regional importance
Project: “Development of the Cooperative Relationship of the Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics”
Beneficiary: Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics
Total amount: 302,314.50 PLN
Co-financed amount: 190,905.00 PLN
The scope of the project includes technology transfer and improvement of cooperation networks between SMEs, between SMEs and other entrepreneurs, universities, all kinds of institutions at the level of post-secondary education, regional authorities, research centers and science and technology poles (science and technology parks, technopolises, etc.). This activity is to contribute to the introduction of innovative products to the market. The solutions developed by the Relationship are characterized by the use of clean processes and materials. Thanks to such solutions, an improvement in eco-efficiency will be achieved, i.e. a reduction in energy consumption, material consumption or the toxicity of manufactured devices based on photonic and optical fiber technology.