Priority: 2. Support for the environment and the potential of enterprises to conduct R&D&I activity
Measure: 2.3. Pro-innovative services for enterprises
Sub-Measure: 2.3.4. Protection of industrial property
Project: „Conducting the patent protection procedure for the invention within the PCT procedure for increasing the throughput of telecommunications networks “
Beneficiary: Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics
Total amount: PLN 758,063.00
Co-financed amount: PLN 341,300.00
The scope of the project includes carrying out the PCT procedure for the developed invention – carrying out a PCT notification and subsequent entry into the so-called national phases. The aim of the project is to obtain industrial protection for the developed invention to improve the parameters of telecommunications networks. The expected result of the project will be a bundle of patents in selected European countries as well as the United States, Japan, China and South Korea and Australia.