
12 January 2022

Cluster of Photonics and Fiber Optics with the status of the National Key Cluster!

Cluster of Photonics and Fiber Optics with the status of the National Key Cluster! This status can be granted only to a few percent of Polish […]
23 November 2021

Slide The Cluster of Photonics and Fiber Optics joins the elite of Polish clusters. By the decision of the Ministry
of Development and Technology, our Cluster obtained the status of the National Key Cluster.
We have the Status
of a National Key Cluster
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Slide October 21. On this day, the International Photonics Day is celebrated – a field that we try to develop and promote every day, and thanks to the development of which our Center functions. October 21 - PhotonicsDay.
Celebrate with us!
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Slide It is no longer an office building atAlejeRacławickie, but a historic house on a quiet, small Stanisław Dubois Street, which is the new seat of our Center. We invite you to the
new seat of the Center
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Slide Award of the 'Do Rzeczy' Weekly Opinion Magazine! PCFS with the 100%
Polish Product
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Symbol Synergii Nauki i Biznesu 2021 dla PCFS!