All activities of the Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics are aimed at developing Polish photonic technologies, disseminating photonics achievements and initiating cooperation, leading to the construction of a strong photonics sector in Poland. We want to use the knowledge developed by Polish scientists over last 40 years and the enormous implementation potential for the benefit of the Polish economy, scientists and entrepreneurs. Awareness of photonics in Poland is still low and there is a lack of specialists in this field. We are motivated to change this state of affairs, therefore we share our experience and participate in important and interesting initiatives.
Employees of the Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics deal with:
- conducting R&D activities
- rental and servicing of research equipment
- coordination of the activities of the Photonics and Fiber Optics Cluster
- support for companies as well as research and development units
- promoting photonics and educating young people

If you are interested in cooperation or in our activities, please contact us at mobile no. +48 570 421 608 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Research and development activities
We conduct scientific research and development work related to fiber optic technologies, both our own, in cooperation with our partners, and carried out on behalf of external entities. Our R&D activities are possible thanks to the access to specialized equipment and the experience of our specialists, who are constantly expanding their knowledge in the field of photonics. We are open to cooperation, we participate in various projects, also financed from EU funds.
Collecting and providing research equipment
The Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics has been gathering and providing specialist research equipment since its inception. It is a high-class equipment designed for research and work in the field of optical fiber photonics. We provide not only the equipment, but also the services of specialists who handle it.

Coordination of the activities of the Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster
The Center is one of the founders and coordinator of the Photonics and Fiber Optics Cluster, established to create a strong photonics sector in Poland. The cluster associates Polish research and development and technology companies, business environment companies, scientific and research units and recipients of Polish photonic technologies. Our employees analyze the needs of associated entities, initiate joint ventures and coordinate all activities of the Cluster. See more.
Support for companies and research and development units
Using the unique knowledge, broad competences of our employees and partners, with knowledge of the realities of research and development, we conduct a number of activities supporting the development of Polish companies as well as research and development units. Most often these are trainings, lectures or workshops tailored in terms of content and form to the needs of our clients.
We offer our support in:
- the field of broadly understood fiber optic technologies
- issues related to the protection of intellectual property
- conducting research and development activities
- recruitment, human resource management, public relations and contact with media representatives

Promoting photonics and educating young people
For many people, the meaning of the word 'photonics' is still unclear. Most of us associate optical fiber only with telecommunications, not realizing the potential of Polish optical fiber photonics. We are trying to change it! That is why we participate in many meetings and business events, we establish cooperation with representatives of authorities, institutions and local governments, we create publications and popular science materials, we encourage journalists to become interested in our field. An important aspect of our mission is youth education, which we implement as part of the Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster. Our activities include: cooperation with high schools, technical schools and universities, conducting classes, lectures or scientific demonstrations, organizing meetings with young people, as well as student scholarships and internships.